
Teenager, human, writer, nanoer, directioner, sister, daughter, blogger, cousin, niece, friend, procrastinator, Asian-American, believer, dreamer, artist, nerd, introvert, bookworm and moi

Stacy N. is a nineteen-year-old human doing what everyone else on earth is doing.
Finding herself.
She’s also trying to give her life some kind of meaning in which she can only achieve through her writing. Even though some days are hard and she would rather not do anything for the whole day, she’s always doing something; whether that is going on the internet, hanging out with her family, reading, writing, or whatever.

You may have seen Stacy N. use different pseudonyms as well. She’s 1018mockingjay on the nanowrimo sites and on twitter and usually nocturnal_owlette/nocturnal owlette/nocturnal-owlette everywhere else. So if you see one of those pen names say hi and mention this blog so she won’t think that you’re a [creepy] random person.

If you want to find her, go to a public school in the United States and hope it’s the right one. Which is a very slim chance, considering that there are thousands of public schools. For a free and cheaper way to contact her just e-mail her here.