Thursday, October 13, 2011

Another Adele story (Wed.'s story)

This is probably going to be an Adele week, because her story is mostly what I can think about this week. Well here it is.

                I was tired and I know I should go back to the a-part-mint, but I couldn’t. I just had to find out what has happened to Little Mercy and Nate, at least for a little while longer. Or else, I might not get to know what really happened back then, and if I didn’t then it means that I can’t change the future properly. There will still be slaves, and… I shake my head forcing myself to pay attention. One more chapter, I thought to myself, and then I’m done for the night.
                During the 1860’s, it was a time of…
                I black out, sleep finally catching up to my tired body. I wake up sometime later, my body feeling as if it was floating through the clouds. I open an eye to see where I was, wondering if I’ll see the odd swirls on the ceiling. Only it wasn’t the swirls that I wasn’t looking at it was skin, white skin, very familiar white skin. I see Tucker’s Adam’s apple bob up and down nervously as he must have realized that I woke up. He looked down at me, and I smile at him.
“I’m awake so, you know you can put me down now,” I say suddenly feeling a bit squirmy about being carried around like an infant.
“What not even a hello first?” he says chuckling nervously, complying with my command.
“Thank you,” I say feeling a bit wobbly when my feet touch the sidewalk, Tucker’s hand on the small of my back, keeping me steady. I look around the cold harvest day, the wind blowing softly around me. I shivered, must have forgetting my jacket back at his place. Memories started to come back to me, as I remembered my past. Memories that will take a while to settle back into place, in this smoke filled city.
“You’re welcome, and here,” says Tucker quickly putting his jacket onto my shoulders. I smile appreciatively, and allow him to take me to his fast moving, station wagon. As I start to distract myself, as to why they call it a station wagon anyways, if it doesn’t actually look like one. It was a quite walk full of the usual city noise, once we reach it; he opens my door for me. I pause before going in, unsure of something.
“What scared of the ghosts that reside in it?” he says in a joking manner. I flinch, tears gathering in my eyes.
“I’m sorry, Adele it was a joke,” he says hurriedly, concern cornering his voice.
“I-It’s okay, and…” I pause unsure of what to say, “And thank you for everything.” I quickly get into the car before he sees the teardrop on my cheek.


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