Yay now I'm finally caught up. Still a bit of Adele's story this time around the beginning, the last one was probably around the middle.
Father always said to never tread on water, because no matter what it will never work. But mother says tread on water anyways because in the end it will be worth it. And so that’s what I did for the rest of my life, and that was tread on water. Just like what mother is always doing, but just like what father said it ain’t working. Even the treading on water was starting to become harder when Little Mercy and Nate were born on June 24, 1847. That was when my life started to become as, father would say survival for the fittest, when I overheard his and Nate’s hunting talks. And it was hard to survive when he always did some stuff that caused Little Mercy and me to be scared. It was harder still, when no one believed Little Mercy or me that it was Nate doing it. Especially if he was the one that caused all the small cuts on my arm, saying that I had some emotional problem. Saying that I should be put in a place where they put crazy people because I also ‘did it’ to Little Mercy’s arms when I didn’t have enough.
But I was still here, still treading on water, still trying to keep Little Mercy and me alive from Nate. With no one helping us, all because of the lies that Little Nate told.
“A-Addie?” whispered Little Mercy one night.
“Yes, Little Mercy?” I whisper back. We were both afraid, afraid of waking him up, and getting hurt, but thankfully he can sleep through anything, maybe even through the worst. I mentally slap myself for thinking that way towards my own brother, evil or not, all because we’re still family.
“I-I’m scared.”
“I’m scared too, Little Mercy.”
“But A-Addie this is a different kind of scared. I-I have a weird feeling that something b-bad is going to happen,” she says fear creeping into her voice.
“Oh, I’m sure it’s nothing,” I say trying to fall back asleep. But I had a weird feeling that she was right.
“I-it’s not n-nothing!” she says nearly shrieking.
“Little Mercy, shush or else...” I trail off not willing to say the worst. “And fine it isn’t just nothing, but let’s hope that something is going to be good. Now good night,” I say quickly.
“G-good night,” she says quickly snoring softly. I kept awake must of the night, thinking over her words, wondering if it’s good or bad, and if it involved Little Mercy or even Nate somehow. Well the next day we found it, and it wasn’t anything that I ever wanted to experience again.
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